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Executive List
1. Michael Stravin
2. Michael Szwajkowski
(Pres. - Structured Finance Business)
3. Michael Taylor
4. Michael Terrell
(Shareholder, Dir., Chmn. - Labor, Employment Law Practice Group)
5. Michael Tuttle
(Sr. Exec. Account Mgr. - US Navy)
6. Michael Venuti
(Board Dir.)
7. Michael Veysey
(Sr. VP, General Counsel, Corp. Sec.)
8. Michael Volker
(Board Dir.)
9. Michael Wood
(Board Dir.)
10. Michael Woodruff
11. Michael Zogby
(Assoc. Attorney)
12. Michael Cowpland
(Dir., Pres., CEO, CFO)
13. Michael Ackerson
(Board Dir., Pres.)
14. Michael Anderson
(Assoc. Attorney)
15. Michael Arnold
(Assoc. Attorney)
16. Michael Baisley
17. Michael Bakewell
(Sr. VP - Fossil Operations)
18. Michael Bard
(Dir., Principal Accounting Officer)
19. Michael Barnello
(COO, Exec. VP - Acquisitions)
20. Michael Barnes
(Board Dir.)

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