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Executive List
1. Michael Fascitelli
(Board Dir., Pres.)
2. Michael Fascitelli
(Pres., Trustee)
3. Michael Firsel
4. Michael First
5. Michael Fisher
(Sr. Investment Consultant)
6. Michael Fleisher
(Exec. VP, CFO)
7. Michael Flores
(Attorney - Public Agency, Litigation, Land use)
8. Michael Fowler
9. Michael Fowler
(CFO, Corp. Sec.)
10. Michael Fox
11. Michael Fraizer
(Chmn., Pres., CEO)
12. Michael Friedman
(MD - Chicago Office)
13. Michael Gagle
(Chief Scientist)
14. Michael Garrett
(Dir., Pres., CEO)
15. Michael Gibson
(Attorney Member)
16. Michael Glanville
(Chmn., Board Dir.)
17. Michael Goldberg
(Board Dir.)
18. Michael Goldstein
19. Michael Graveline
(VP - Nuveen Investments Institutional Services Group)
20. Michael Grisham

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