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Executive List
1. Michael Farren
(VP, External, Legal Affairs, General Counsel, Corp. Sec.)
2. Michael Ferdman
(VP - Marketing, Client Development)
3. Michael Field
(Exec. VP, Division Mgr. - Technology Banking Group, Bridge Bank)
4. Michael Finn
(Board Dir.)
5. Michael Fister
(Board Dir., Pres., CEO)
6. Michael Fister
(Board Dir.)
7. Michael Fister
(Board Dir.)
8. Michael Fitzpatrick
(Board Dir.)
9. Michael Fitzpatrick
(VP, Sales)
10. Michael Flinn
(Board Dir.)
11. Michael Flook
(VP, Assist. Treasurer)
12. Michael Fogarty
(Board Dir.)
13. Michael Franzi
(VP - Sales, Licensing)
14. Michael Frawley
(Principal - Flint)
15. Michael Fremuth
(Assoc. Attorney)
16. Michael Freno
(Assoc. Attorney)
17. Michael Frishberg
(Sr. Managing Consultant)
18. Michael Fuchs
(VP - Preconstruction Services)
19. Michael Fulton
(Pres., CEO - Comerica Bank - Western Market)
20. Michael Gade
(Board Dir.)

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