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Executive List
1. Michael Laks
(Member - Advisory Board)
2. Michael Livian
(Head - Asset Management)
3. Michael Lynd
(VP - Internal Audit)
4. Michael Magee
(Board Dir. - Detroit Branch)
5. Michael Maney
(Sr. Counsel - New York)
6. Michael McKinstry
(Board Dir.)
7. Michael McShane
(Board Dir.)
8. Michael Meadvin
(Sr. VP, General Counsel, , Corp. Sec.)
9. Michael Merzenich
(Board Dir.)
10. Michael Miller
(Board Dir., CEO, Pres.)
11. Michael Murray
12. Michael Patton
(Sr. VP, Business Development)
13. Michael Quick
(Exec. VP, Group Exec.)
14. Michael Saunders
15. Michael Sayers
16. Michael Selzer
(Board Dir.)
17. Michael Shen
18. Michael Shipper
(Attorney Member)
19. Michael Smith
20. Michael Soloway
(VP, Medical Education - Alphatec Spine)

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