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Executive List
1. Michael Webster
(Chief Strategy, Communications Officer)
2. Michael Welch
(Board Dir., Pres., CEO)
3. Michael Wessel
(Board Dir.)
4. Michael Whitt
5. Michael Williams
(Sr. VP, Treasurer)
6. Michael Willis
(Assoc. Attorney)
7. Michael Yantis
(Principal - Acoustical Design)
8. Michael Young
(Exec. VP - Sales, Marketing)
9. Michael Zimmerman
(Principal - Midland)
10. Michael Cornell Fisher
(Exec. VP, Member, Board Dir.)
11. Michael Rayfield
(Vice-Chmn., Investment, Corporate Banking, BMO Capital Markets)
12. Michael Abroe
(Principal - Consulting Actuary)
13. Michael Aronsohn
14. Michael Ashton
15. Michael Bahorich
(Exec. VP - Exploration, Production Technology)
16. Michael Beattie
(Member - Scientific Advisor Network)
17. Michael Berk
(Board Dir.)
18. Michael Bookbinder
(Of Counsel)
19. Michael Burkholder
20. Michael Caton
(CTO - Research, Development)

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