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Executive List
1. Michael Sund
(VP, Communications, Investor Relations)
2. Michael Sutherlin
(Board Dir., Pres., CEO)
3. Michael Taxter
(Exec. VP, Dir. - JCPenney Stores)
4. Michael Taylor
5. Michael Taylor
(Dir., Exec. VP, CFO)
6. Michael Trapp
(Board Dir.)
7. Michael Trimble
(Board Dir.)
8. Michael Ueltzen
(Dir. - International Sales)
9. Michael Vannier
(Board Dir.)
10. Michael Walsh
11. Michael Weaver
(Assoc. Attorney)
12. Michael Wells
(Board Dir.)
13. Michael Williams
(Exec. VP Business Development)
14. Michael Wool
(Board Dir.)
15. Michael Wright
(Board Dir.)
16. Michael Yackira
(Board Dir., CEO, Pres.)
17. Michael Yackira
(Board Dir., Pres., CEO)
18. Michael Zellner
19. Michael Adams
20. Michael Warren
(Board Dir.)

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