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Executive List
1. Michelle Peluso
(Pres., CEO)
2. Michelle Peluso
(Pres., CEO)
3. Michelle Petruolo
(Assoc. VP, Registered Account Administrator - Triangle Securities)
4. Michelle Pinnix
(Sr. VP, Strategic Marketing Solutions)
5. Michelle Rapoport
(Assoc. Attorney)
6. Michelle Rosatto
(Assoc. Attorney)
7. Michelle Roseberry
(Mgr. - Construction Division)
8. Michelle Rowley
(VP, Marketing)
9. Michelle Rush
(Sr. VP - Marketing)
10. Michelle Sammet
(Chief Human Resource Officer)
11. Michelle Schenker
(Recruitment Mgr.)
12. Michelle Scott
(VP - Corporate Development)
13. Michelle Sexton
(Assoc. Attorney)
14. Michelle Smith
(VP - human resources)
15. Michelle Smith
(VP - Business Development)
16. Michelle Soucie
17. Michelle Streeton
(Company Secretarial Assist.)
18. Michelle Strong
(Dir. - Audience Development)
19. Michelle Stuart
(Mgr. - Immunoassay)
20. Michelle Thompson
(Sr. Operations Consultant)

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