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Executive List
1. Nancy Loftin
(Sr. VP, General Counsel, Sec.)
2. Nancy Loucks
(Exec. VP)
3. Nancy Lundeen
4. Nancy Maizels
(Member - Scientific Advisory Board)
5. Nancy Malkin
6. Nancy Martin
(Content Development Dir.)
7. Nancy Mccall
(Expertise - Health Outcomes)
8. Nancy McCarthy
(Managing Partner, COO, Global Financial Services)
9. Nancy McDonald
10. Nancy McGee
(VP - 3001 Intel Defense Solutions)
11. Nancy McKinstry
(Board Dir.)
12. Nancy Molnar
(Network Coordinator, Project Mgr.)
13. Nancy Moore
(Sr. VP - Mortgage Group)
14. Nancy Motola
(Sr. VP - Regulatory Affairs, Quality)
15. Nancy Mullahy
(Exec. VP, Starcom MediaVest Group)
16. Nancy Murr
(Sr. VP, Patient Services, Dir. - Clinical Operations)
17. Nancy Nafziger
(Dir. - Marketing)
18. Nancy Nix
(Member - Advisory Board)
19. Nancy Nourse
(Consultant - Employee Communication)
20. Nancy Oleski
(Sr. VP - Intellectual Property, General Council)

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