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Executive List
1. Paul Bergstrand
(Physician - Allergy, Family Practice)
2. Paul Brubaker
(Board Dir.)
3. Paul Buchanan
(Sr. VP, Chief Accounting Officer)
4. Paul Busse
5. Paul Butler
(VP - Engineering, Operations)
6. Paul Chisholm
(Board Dir.)
7. Paul Currie
(Exec. VP, Corporate Strategy, Business Development)
8. Paul Decker
(Assoc. Attorney)
9. Paul Fehlman
(VP, Treasurer)
10. Paul Ferrell
(Assoc. Attorney)
11. Paul Fiddick
(International Division Pres.)
12. Paul Gardanier
(Dir. - Quality Assurance)
13. Paul Griepentrog
14. Paul Harrison
(Founder, CTO, Chmn.)
15. Paul Harrison
(Board Dir.)
16. Paul Hawran
(Board Dir.)
17. Paul Heiring
(Of Counsel)
18. Paul Herring
(Assoc. Attorney)
19. Paul Hobby
(Chmn., CEO)
20. Paul Hobby
(Board Dir.)

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