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Executive List
1. R. Landry
(VP - Human Resources)
2. R. McArthur
3. R. McConnell
4. R. Wheaton
5. R. Arnold
(Board Dir., Pres., CEO)
6. R. Pachauri
(Board Dir.)
7. R. Vishwanath
(VP - Business Development, Strategy)
8. R. Jayanty
(Expertise - Fine Particle Measurements)
9. R. Broiles
(Sr. VP - resources division)
10. R. Denino
(VP - Procurement)
11. R. Moorthy
(VP - Engineering)
12. R. Hisey
(Member - Advisory Board - Life Sciences)
13. R Desai
(Dir., Dir.. - Finance, Legal)
14. R. Krieger
(VP, Power Production, Southern California Edison)
15. R. Walchuk
(Dir., Founder, Pres., CEO)
16. Ra'ed Elmurib
(VP, GM - Microprocessor Products Division)
17. Raafat Fahim
(Pres., CEO)
18. Raakel Iskanius
19. Raakel Iskanius
20. Raal Roos
(Sr. VP, General Counsel, Sec.)

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