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Executive List
1. Ruth Shaw
(Board Dir.)
2. Ruth Sims
(Sr. VP Marketing, Research)
3. Ruth Ungerer
(Dir., Development - New York)
4. Ruth Greenstein
(Board Dir.)
5. Ruth Katz
(Member - Medical Advisory Board)
6. Ruth Crowley
(Board Dir.)
7. Ruth Davis
(Board Dir.)
8. Ruth Owades
(Board Dir.)
9. Ruth Richardson
(Board Dir.)
10. Ruth Timm
(General Counsel, Contact Investor Relations Officer)
11. Ruth Bauer
12. Ruth Brown
(Founder, Dir., Pres.)
13. Ruth Ann Marshall
(Board Dir.)
14. Ruth Ann Gillis
(Exec. VP)
15. Ruth Ann Gillis
(Exec. VP, Exelon Corporation, Pres., Exelon Business Services Company)
16. Ruth Ravitz Smith
17. Ruthann Yamanaka
(Sr. VP - Human Resources, Planning)
18. Ruthann Ziegler
19. Ruthann Melbourne
(Exec. VP, Chief Risk Officer)
20. Ruthanne Feinberg
(MD, Head - Internal Recruiting)

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