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Executive List
1. Sandra McLaughlin
(Team Member)
2. Sandra Murphy
3. Sandra Nether
(Board Dir., Sec., Treasurer)
4. Sandra Smalley-Fleming
5. Sandra McCully
(Partner - in - Charge - Mt Carmel, Illinois Office)
6. Sandra Ruggles
7. Sandrine Degos
(Exhibitions Business Unit Mgr. - PG Promotion, Issy les Moulineaux)
8. Sandrine Viala
(Dir. - Human Resource)
9. Sandro Grigolli
(Non - Exec. Board Dir.)
10. Sandro Piancone
(CEO - Nascent Foodservice)
11. Sandy Augoustatos
(Search Consultant)
12. Sandy Berry
(Exec. Search Consultant)
13. Sandy Bhogal
14. Sandy Bievenue
(Sr. Loan Officer)
15. Sandy Bodecker
(VP, NIKE Global Design)
16. Sandy Calhoun
(Coordinator - Product Development)
17. Sandy Carithers
(Team Member - Psychiatry)
18. Sandy Cooper
(Accounting Mgr.)
19. Sandy Creighton
(VP - Human Resources, Corp. Sec.)
20. Sandy Curry

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