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Executive List
1. Scott Burri
(Board Dir.)
2. Scott Butler
(Pres., CEO)
3. Scott Butler
(Sr. VP, S+T Program Dir.)
4. Scott Cain
(VP - Sales, Marketing)
5. Scott Calder
(Board Dir., CEO, Pres.)
6. Scott Campbell
(Dir., Pres., CFO)
7. Scott Campbell
(VP - Technology)
8. Scott Carlyle
(VP - Worldwide Sales)
9. Scott Carrigan
(Sr. Instructor, Course Coordinator)
10. Scott Carter
(VP - Regulatory Affairs)
11. Scott Caruso
(Board Dir.)
12. Scott Cavey
(Pres., CEO)
13. Scott Cawood
(VP, Worldwide Human Resources)
14. Scott Cerasoli
(Pres., CEO)
15. Scott Chaikin
(Chmn., CEO)
16. Scott Chappell
(Board Dir.)
17. Scott Charlton
(Exec. VP - Operations)
18. Scott Charney
(Corporate VP - Trustworthy Computing)
19. Scott Chaykin
(Exec. VP - Global Services, Support)
20. Scott Cho
(VP, Sales, Marketing Consumer)

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