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Executive List
1. Scott Fenton
(Dir., Software Development)
2. Scott Ferguson
(VP - Advanced Materials Business Unit)
3. Scott Ferris
(Sr. VP Emerging Media)
4. Scott Fisher
5. Scott Floeck
(Sr. VP, CIO)
6. Scott Floeck
(Sr. VP, CIO)
7. Scott Focht
(VP - Strategic Initiatives, Marketing)
8. Scott Foote
(Board Dir., CEO, Pres.)
9. Scott Francis
(Principal, CFO)
10. Scott Frazer
(Network Systems Engineer)
11. Scott Frey
(Systems Engineer)
12. Scott Friedman
(Chmn., CEO)
13. Scott Friend
(Board Dir.)
14. Scott Galer
(Attorney - Partner)
15. Scott Galloway
(Board Dir.)
16. Scott Gamber
(Forensic Engineer)
17. Scott Gardner
(General Foreman)
18. Scott Garell
(Member - Business Management)
19. Scott Garrett
(Board Dir., Pres., CEO)
20. Scott Gensler
(VP - Marketing Operations, Planning)

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