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Executive List
1. Scott Lemajeur
(Founder, Pres.)
2. Scott Lenet
(Board Dir.)
3. Scott Lenet
(Board Observer)
4. Scott Leshinski
(Board Dir.)
5. Scott Levitt
(Board Dir.)
6. Scott Lewis
(Member - Technology)
7. Scott Lindholm
(VP - Systems Engineering)
8. Scott Lochridge
(Sr. VP, Pacific Region Carlson Marketing)
9. Scott Lodoen
(VP, , Exec. Client Dir. - Healthcare Experts)
10. Scott Loftesness
(Team Member)
11. Scott Lomond
(Pres., COO)
12. Scott Losk
(Principal Investigator)
13. Scott Ludecker
(VP - Sales - Lower Limb)
14. Scott Ludwigsen
(Exec. VP - Travel, Leisure Division)
15. Scott Lurndal
(Co - Founder, Technical Dir.)
16. Scott Lurndal
(Technical Dir., Co - Founder)
17. Scott Lynch
18. Scott Lynch
(VP - Finance, Controller)
19. Scott MacAdam
(VP, Research, Development)
20. Scott MacDonald
(Board Dir.)

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