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Executive List
1. Scott Miner
(Dir. - Plans, Operations)
2. Scott Mitchell
(Chief Audit Exec.)
3. Scott Mnick
(Board Dir.)
4. Scott Montgomery
(VP, Product Management)
5. Scott Moser
(Staff - Financial Management Solutions)
6. Scott Mruczkowski
7. Scott Murr
(VP Finance - ProLink Solutions)
8. Scott Murray
9. Scott Muster
10. Scott Nagel
(VP, MD)
11. Scott Nemes
(Information Technology Mgr.)
12. Scott Nesbitt
(GM, CRM Denver)
13. Scott Newman
(Chmn., Pres., CEO)
14. Scott Nichols
(VP, Sun Hospitality Advisor - Midwest Region)
15. Scott Nixon
(Member - Engineer)
16. Scott Novak
(Expertise - Statistical Methodology)
17. Scott Nygaard
(Sr. VP, Corporate Services)
18. Scott Oaksmith
19. Scott Olivet
(CEO, Dir.)
20. Scott Olson
(VP - Marketing)

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