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Executive List
1. Scott McCreary
2. Scott McDowell
3. Scott McKenzie
(VP - Operations)
4. Scott Megargee
(Exec. VP - Consumer Lending, Leasing)
5. Scott Meyerhoff
(Exec. VP)
6. Scott Morrison
(Board Dir.)
7. Scott Oglum
8. Scott Perry
(Pres. - Bankers Life, Casualty)
9. Scott Royster
(Board Dir.)
10. Scott Ruth
(Of Counsel)
11. Scott Schaefer
12. Scott Stanley
(Assoc. Attorney)
13. Scott Talley
(Partner - VP Worldwide Distribution)
14. Scott Thompson
(Sec., Treasurer, Dir.)
15. Scott Trumbull
(Board Dir.)
16. Scott Trumbull
(Chmn., CEO)
17. Scott Wilson
18. Scott Wilson
(Assoc. Attorney)
19. Scott Bednas
20. Scott Binder

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