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Executive List
1. Scott Ford
(Board Dir., Pres., CEO)
2. Scott Freeman
(VP - Operations)
3. Scott Hatton
4. Scott Hoffman
(Sr. VP, Chief Administrative Officer, Chief Compliance Officer)
5. Scott Howard
(Accounting Mgr., Assist. Treasurer, Assist. Sec.)
6. Scott Johnson
(Partner - North America)
7. Scott Lowry
(VP, Treasurer)
8. Scott MacOmber
(Exec. VP, CFO)
9. Scott McIlhenny
(Board Dir.)
10. Scott Mctague
(VP, Assessment Solutions)
11. Scott Megaffin
(VP, Marketing)
12. Scott Mikuen
(VP - Assoc. General Counsel, Corp. Sec.)
13. Scott Rhine
(Board Dir.)
14. Scott Rodgers
15. Scott Springer
(Product Leader - Audience Measurement)
16. Scott Vandeventer
(Board Dir.)
17. Scott Wrobel
(Board Dir. - Detroit)
18. Scott Alvis
(Pres., GM)
19. Scott Fainor
20. Scott Bennettq
(Dir. - Research, Development, , Chief Technologist)

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