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Executive List
1. Sean O'Rourke
(Founder, Principal)
2. Sean Pflaging
(Sr. VP, Network Services - PAETEC Corp)
3. Sean Pflaging
(Sr. VP, Network Services)
4. Sean Reid
(Assist. General Counsel - Legal Dept. - Bethesda)
5. Sean Reilly
(COO, Pres. - Outdoor Division)
6. Sean Riley
7. Sean Ringsted
(Chief Actuary - ACE Group)
8. Sean Ryan
(VP Engineering)
9. Sean Ryan
(VP Engineering)
10. Sean Salloux
11. Sean Scala
12. Sean Skahan
(VP - Finance)
13. Sean Skelley
(Sr. VP, Business Group Leader, Services)
14. Sean Southard
15. Sean Tarsney
(Physician - Family Medicine)
16. Sean Tetzlaff
(CFO, Corp. Sec.)
17. Sean Waddell
(Dir. - Operations)
18. Sean Wang
(Pres., Acting CFO, COO)
19. Sean Wani
20. Sean Watts
(Golf Course Superintendent)

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