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Executive List
1. Sean Lane
(Board Dir.)
2. Sean O'Neill
(Sr. VP - Investor Relations, Corporate Communications)
3. Sean Trauschke
(Sr. VP - Investor Relations, Financial Planning)
4. Sean Douglas
(Exec. VP, COO)
5. Sean Sullivan
(Pres., Commercial, Packaging)
6. Sean Wooden
(Assoc. Attorney)
7. Sean Beeny
8. Sean Erwin
(Chmn., Pres., CEO)
9. Sean Kenney
10. Sean Maguire
(Sr. VP)
11. Sean Moorhead
12. Sean O'Kelly
13. Sean Scott
14. Sean Smith
(Sr. VP, CFO)
15. Sean Brophy
(Strategic Operating Partner - Electronic Manufacturing Services)
16. Sean McCarthy
(Board Dir., Pres., COO)
17. Sean Massey
(Sr. Consultant)
18. Sean-Thomas Thompson
19. Season Cognion
(Staffing Assist.)
20. Seb Bishop
(Dir., CMO, Pres.)

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