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Executive List
1. Seena Semerly
(Member - Advisory Board)
2. Sefi Grossman
(Interactive Designer)
3. Sefton Smyth
(Member - Allred, Bacon, Halfhill, Young, PC)
4. Sefy Ophir
(VP Development)
5. Sehat Sutardja
(Chmn., Pres., CEO)
6. Seifi Ghasemi
(Chmn., CEO)
7. Seiichiro Watanabe
(Founder - CTO)
8. Seiji Miwa
(Pres. - eASIC Japan)
9. Seiki Murono
(Board Dir.)
10. Sejal Desai
11. Seketheia Nicholson
(Paralegal - Little Rock)
12. Selen Kocabas
(Chief Business Support Officer)
13. Selena Tran
(Financial Analyst)
14. Selim Aissi
(Industry Advisory Board)
15. Selma Morris
(Council Member - African American National Advisory Council)
16. Selvarani Nallusamy
(Physician - Hematology, Oncology)
17. Selwyn Joffe
(Chmn., Pres., CEO)
18. Selwyn Dias
(Dir. - Regulatory Services)
19. Senator Bradley
(Member - Business Advisory Board)
20. Seneca De La Puente Estremadoyro
(Commercial, Administrative Service Dir.)

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