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Executive List
1. Shane Ebert
(Dir., VP Exploration)
2. Shane Fitzsimons
(VP - GE Corporate Financial Planning, Analysis)
3. Shane Freeman
(Web Engineer)
4. Shane Griffin
(MD - Sequiam Africa)
5. Shane Harrod
(Network Support Mgr.)
6. Shane Harwell
(Chmn., Pres., Sec.)
7. Shane Hughes
(Co - Founder, Board Dir.)
8. Shane Jackson
(VP, Finance)
9. Shane Kim
(Corporate VP - Microsoft Game Studios)
10. Shane Krantz
(Sr. Consultant)
11. Shane Lowry
(Dir., CEO, Pres., Sec., Treasurer)
12. Shane Moses
(Assoc. Attorney)
13. Shane O'Neill
(Sr. VP, Chief Strategy Officer, Pres. - Chellomedia)
14. Shane Redding
15. Shane Robison
(Exec. VP, CTO,Chief Strategy Officer)
16. Shane Smith
17. Shane Swanson
(Dir. - Compliance)
18. Shane Todd
19. Shane Waslaski
(VP, Infrastructure Products, Services Platform)
20. Shane Whittington

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