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Executive List
1. Shanker Trivedi
(Sr. VP - Corporate Development)
2. Shanmugam Nagarajan
(Co - Founder, Chief People Officer)
3. Shann Shinn
(Sr. Mgr.)
4. Shannan Noe
(Assoc. Attorney)
5. Shannon Carter
(Founder, Pres.)
6. Shannon Hemphill
(Finance, Accounting Consultant)
7. Shannon Johnson
(Search Consultant)
8. Shannon Kapek
(VP, Financial Analysis)
9. Shannon Kapek
(VP, Financial Analysis)
10. Shannon Lambo
(Assist. VP - Institutional Services Group)
11. Shannon Lestan
(Assoc. Attorney)
12. Shannon Li
(Board Dir.)
13. Shannon Lynd
(Sr. VP - Production)
14. Shannon Meneses
15. Shannon Nill
(Owner, GM)
16. Shannon Nordstrom
17. Shannon Paul
(Account Coordinator)
18. Shannon Rummell
(VP, Wealth Management Advisor)
19. Shannon Self
(Board Dir.)
20. Shannon Self
(Board Dir.)

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