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Executive List
1. Sharon Carothers
(VP, Special Projects)
2. Sharon Castillo
3. Sharon Christman
(Sr. Consultant)
4. Sharon Cross
(Technical Board Dir.)
5. Sharon Del Pietro
(VP, MD)
6. Sharon Dey
(Dir. - Marketing Communications)
7. Sharon Emerson
8. Sharon Emery
9. Sharon Epperson
10. Sharon Galloway
(Business Group - Legal Assist.)
11. Sharon Ghuman
(Bernard Berelson Fellow)
12. Sharon Glickman
(Corporate Controller)
13. Sharon Holt
(Sr. VP, worldwide sales, Licensing, , marketing)
14. Sharon Huerta
(Dir. - Government Contracts, Compliance, Quality)
15. Sharon Hunt
(Board Dir.)
16. Sharon Jackson
(Corp. Sec.)
17. Sharon Kelly
(Board Dir. - Tallahassee)
18. Sharon Kennedy
19. Sharon Lamantia
(Exec. VP, Service Delivery - PAETEC Corp)
20. Sharon Lamantia
(Exec. VP)

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