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Executive List
1. Shawn O'Dowd
2. Shawn Bruzda
(Sr. Urban Forester, Biologist)
3. Shawn McCaughan
(VP Operations)
4. Shawn Grinnen
5. Shawna Smith
(Sleep Disorders Pulmonary Care Physician)
6. Shawne Merriman
7. Shawnna Yashar
(Assoc. Attorney)
8. Shay Baird
(Project Mgr. - Contracting)
9. Shay Bakfan
(VP Research, Development)
10. Shay Hoosier
(VP - Business Development - IT, SAP)
11. Shay Torton
(VP, WW Operations)
12. Shaya Phillips
(Board Dir.)
13. Shayan Mashatian
(Exec. VP)
14. Shayan Enrico
(Contact Administration)
15. Shaye Harrington
(Assoc. Attorney)
16. Shaye Mann
17. Shaygan Kheradpir
(Exec. VP, CIO)
18. Shayne Skaff
(VP, Business Development)
19. Shayne Barr
20. Shea Smith
(Member - Technical Advisory Board)

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