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Executive List
1. Shelly Lazarus
(Board Dir.)
2. Shelly Letsinger
(VP, Product User Experience)
3. Shelly Magneson
(Sr. Account Exec. - Finances, Accounting)
4. Shelly Martin
(Dir. - Clinical Development)
5. Shelly Olejniczak
(Team Member)
6. Shelly Reitman
7. Shelly Sites
8. Shelly Workman
(VP Clinical Operations Support)
9. Shelly Yakus
10. Shelly Guyer
(VP - Business Development, Investor Relations)
11. Shelly Salutsky
12. Shelly London
(VP, Chief Communications Officer)
13. Shelly London
(VP, Chief Communications Officer)
14. Shelly Dorn
(Assoc. Attorney)
15. Shelly Ibach
(US Retail Channel Leader, Sr. VP)
16. Shelly Rounds
17. Shelton Jefferson
18. Shelton James
(Board Dir.)
19. Shemara Wikramanayake
(Alternate Chmn.)
20. Shemer Schwartz
(Board Dir.)

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