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Executive List
1. Shiuh-Wuu Lee
(Intel Fellow - Technology, Manufacturing Group, Dir. - Advanced Circuit Simulation Computer - Aided Design)
2. Shiv Chiruvolu
(Dir. - Research, Development)
3. Shiv Sikand
(VP - Engineering, Dir.)
4. Shiva Ramani
(Co - Founder, CEO,)
5. Shiva Shivakumar
(VP, Distinguished Entrepreneur)
6. Shiva Saadat
7. Shivam Guness
(Sr. Software Analyst)
8. Shivan Govindan
(Sr. Principal - Resource Financial Institutions Group, Inc)
9. Shivan Subramaniam
(Public Relations Mgr.)
10. Shivani Kaul
(Assoc. Attorney)
11. Shivani Khurana
(Contact Management Team)
12. Shiyoung Roh
(Physician - Ophthalmology - Arlington)
13. Shlomi Reuveni
(Exec. VP, Sr. MD, Brown Harris Steves SELECT)
14. Shlomi Yanai
(VP eToken)
15. Shlomo Dovrat
16. Shlomo Elia
(Board Dir.)
17. Shlomo Kalish
(Board Dir.)
18. Shlomo Kalish
19. Shlomo Margalit
(Chmn., CTO, Sec.)
20. Shlomo Shamir

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