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Executive List
1. Shlomo Tenenberg
(Exec. VP - Worldwide Marketing, Sales)
2. Shlomo Toussia-Cohen
(Board Dir.)
3. Shlomo Yanai
(Pres., CEO)
4. Shlomo Katz
5. Shmuel Arvatz
6. Shmuel Eden
(VP, GM - Mobile Platforms Group)
7. Shmuel Levi
(Board Dir.)
8. Shmuel Melman
(Founder, Dir., CEO)
9. Shmuel Peretz
(Board Dir.)
10. Shmuel Shneibalg
(Board Dir.)
11. Shmuel Shottan
(Board of Advisor)
12. Shoichi Uchiyama
13. Shoji Taniguchi
(Strategic Dir.)
14. Sholem Greenbaum
(Board Dir.)
15. Sholim Ginsburg
(Strategic Technology Advisor - Board Dir.)
16. Shomari Dailey
(Assoc. Attorney)
17. Shon Lo
(Assoc. Attorney)
18. Shona Brown
(Sr. VP - Business Operations)
19. Shona McDiarmid
(VP, Intellectual Property, Compliance)
20. Shonn Brown

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