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Executive List
1. Shonte Byrd
(Physician - Neurology)
2. Shoshana Loeb
(Board Dir.)
3. Shoshana Vernick
(Board Dir.)
4. Shouwei Zhou
(Board Dir., Pres.)
5. Shrayashi Browne
(Research, Assessment Systems Consultant)
6. Shreedhar Madhavapeddi
(Founder, VP - Products)
7. Shreyash Nayak
(VP - Recruiting)
8. Shri Dodani
(Pres., CEO)
9. Shri Iyengar
10. Shridevi Karikehalli
(Physician - Pathology)
11. Shridhar Mittal
12. Shrikant Sinha
13. Shripad Bhagwat
(Sr. VP, Drug Discovery)
14. Shriram Bagrodia
(Sr. VP - R&D Blends and Chemistry)
15. Shu Kurosaki
(Dir. - Finance, Administration)
16. Shudan Zhang
(Board Dir.)
17. Shuen Chang
(Sr. VP, Engineering)
18. Shuhei Yoshida
(Sr. VP - Product Development)
19. Shuki Ronen
(Sr. Research Advisor - Speaker)
20. Shukri Souri
(Principal Engineer - Electrical, Semiconductors Practice)

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