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Executive List
1. Sidney Monroe
(Board Dir.)
2. Sidney Blitzer
3. Sidney Hecht
(Board Dir.)
4. Sidney Robinson
(Board Dir.)
5. Sidney Brown
(Vice Chmn., Acting Pres., Acting CEO, Sec., Treasurer)
6. Sidney Knafel
7. Sidney Curry
(Dir. - Business Development)
8. Sidney Emery
(Board Dir.)
9. Sidney Emery
10. Siegfried Reich
(VP - Drug Discovery)
11. Siegfried Steve
(Board Dir.)
12. Siegmar Pohl
(Of Counsel)
13. Siena Mastrobuoni
(Programs Coordinator - San Francisco)
14. Sig Anderman
15. Sig Rogich
16. Sigmund Balaban
(Board Dir.)
17. Sigmund Rogich
(Member - Advisory Board)
18. Sigmund Balaban
(Board Dir.)
19. Sigmund Ginsburg
(Consultant, New York, NY)
20. Sigmund Cornelius
(Sr. VP - Planning, Strategy, Corporate Affairs)

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