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Executive List
1. Stephen Hadden
(Sr. VP - Exploration, Production)
2. Stephen Hadwin
(Board Dir.)
3. Stephen Haferman
(Sr. VP - Risk Management, Information Services - Triad Guaranty Insurance Corporation)
4. Stephen Hamilton
(Pres., CEO)
5. Stephen Harrison
(Board Dir., CEO, Pres.)
6. Stephen Hasenmiller
(Board Dir.)
7. Stephen Henderson
8. Stephen Hochschuler
(Board Dir.)
9. Stephen Hoffman
10. Stephen Jarvis
(Dir. - Business Development)
11. Stephen Joncus
12. Stephen Kane
13. Stephen Kazar
(Special Assist. to the Pres. International Programs)
14. Stephen Kepler
15. Stephen Kieras
(Sr. VP - Development)
16. Stephen Klein
17. Stephen Knoop
(Sr. VP - Corporate Development)
18. Stephen Kondor
(Sr. VP - Sales, Marketing)
19. Stephen Legatzke
(Assoc. Attorney)
20. Stephen Lief
(Dir. - Litigation Support)

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