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Executive List
1. Steve Burns
2. Steve Byrd
(Exec. VP)
3. Steve Cakebread
(Pres., Chief Strategy Officer)
4. Steve Campione
(Board Dir.)
5. Steve Capelli
(Pres. - Worldwide Field Operations)
6. Steve Carlson
(Sr. VP Business Development)
7. Steve Carter
(Distinguished Engineer)
8. Steve Cartt
(Exec. VP, Commercial Development)
9. Steve Caseley
(CBT Nuggets Project Management Instructor)
10. Steve Cawood
11. Steve Celuch
(Managing Partner)
12. Steve Chambers
(Pres., Nunce Mobile, Consumer Services Division)
13. Steve Chambers
(Pres., Mobile, Consumer Services Division)
14. Steve Champeau
(Pres., North America)
15. Steve Chang
(Chmn., Founder)
16. Steve Chen
(Chmn., Pres. - DuPont Taiwan, Sales Excellence Leader - DuPont Titanium Technologies, Asia Pacific)
17. Steve Chen
(VP - Asia Pacific Operations)
18. Steve Chirokas
(VP - Marketing)
19. Steve Christensen
(Neuro - Psychologist)
20. Steve Christle
(Co - Founder, Pres.)

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