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Executive List
1. Steve Hooper
(Board Dir.)
2. Steve Hooper
(Sr. VP - Payment Strategy)
3. Steve Hooper
4. Steve Horan
(Corporate VP, CIO)
5. Steve Horton
(VP - Professional Services)
6. Steve Hotz
(Chief Scientist)
7. Steve Howard
(Board Dir.)
8. Steve Hudson
(VP - Business Development)
9. Steve Hufendick
(VP, Producer - Marquette Realty Capital, Minneapolis)
10. Steve Hughes
(Pres., CEO, Dir.)
11. Steve Hunt
(Customer Productivity Solutions)
12. Steve Iandolo
(VP - Operations - Hospitality)
13. Steve Isbister
(VP - Compliance)
14. Steve Jacobs
(MD, Partner)
15. Steve Jacobs
(Sr. Member)
16. Steve Jacobs
(VP, Engineering, Professional Products)
17. Steve Jaeger
18. Steve Jeffery
19. Steve Joachim
(Contact Alternative Display Facility, ADF Market Operations, http, ,, wwwnasdcom, AboutNASD, CorporateInformation, NASDLeadership, NASDExecutiveBiographies, SteveJoachim, indexhtm)
20. Steve Johnson
(Board Dir.)

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