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Executive List
1. Terry Rappuhn
(Board Dir.)
2. Terry Hatfield
(Board Dir.)
3. Terry Black
(COO, VP - Finance)
4. Terry Dougherty
5. Terry Hackett
(Board Dir.)
6. Terry Carlone
7. Terry Garcia
(Exec. VP - Mission Programs, National Geographic Society)
8. Terry Giles
(Board Dir.)
9. Terry Growcock
(Board Dir.)
10. Terry Growcock
(Board Dir.)
11. Terry McCallister
(Pres., COO)
12. Terry Peterson
(VP, Investor Relations, Chief Accounting Officer)
13. Terry Simonette
(Exec. MD)
14. Terry Stinson
(Board Dir.)
15. Terry Stinson
(Board Dir.)
16. Terry Branstad
(Board Dir.)
17. Terry McDaniel
18. Terry Patton
(Exec. VP, Risk Management)
19. Terry Swift
(Chmn., CEO)
20. Terry Vandewarker
(Board Dir., Member - Audit Committee)

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