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Executive List
1. Tom Pasquini
(Creative Dir.)
2. Tom Patterson
(CEO, Pres. - Command Information, Dir.)
3. Tom Pelham
(Dir., Sec. - Dept. - Community Affairs)
4. Tom Pepper
(Dir. - Systems Operations)
5. Tom Peters
(Faculty Member)
6. Tom Peterson
(Sr. VP - Communications, Marketing)
7. Tom Peterson
(Board Dir.)
8. Tom Pettenon
(VP, Client Services)
9. Tom Pham
10. Tom Philp
(Management Consultant)
11. Tom Pick
(Product Marketing Mgr.)
12. Tom Pientka
(Pres., Owner)
13. Tom Pitegoff
14. Tom Pogorelc
(Board Dir.)
15. Tom Polich
(North America Assoc. Sales Mgr.)
16. Tom Pollard
(VP, Marketing)
17. Tom Powell
18. Tom Quinn
(VP - Finance)
19. Tom Rabon
(Exec. VP, Corporate Affairs)
20. Tom Rauscher
(VP - Product Management, Development, eTransactions)

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