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Executive List
1. Trevor McIntyre
2. Trevor Moss
(Exec. VP, COO)
3. Trevor Neilson
(Vice Chmn.)
4. Trevor Paskett
(Dir. - Engineering)
5. Trevor Pryce
(Coordinator, Ticket Operations, Distribution)
6. Trevor Ratcliffe
(Pres., Electronic Systems)
7. Trevor Roy
(Board Dir.)
8. Trevor Rubel
(Chief Strategy Officer)
9. Trevor Sava
10. Trevor Schmidt
(Dir., Information Technology)
11. Trevor Tappenden
(Non - Exec. Board Dir.)
12. Trevor Tomkins
(Board Dir.)
13. Trevor Traina
(Entrepreneur, Private Investor)
14. Trevor Wiebe
(General Counsel, Corp. Sec.)
15. Trevor Arnold
16. Trevor Chadderton
17. Trevor Rozowsky
(Board Dir.)
18. Trevor Pokorney
(Board Dir.)
19. Trevor Blum
(Analyst - Chicago Office)
20. Trevor Jones
(Board Dir.)

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