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Executive List
1. Gunnit Khurana
(Pres., CEO)
2. Gunter Blobel
(Board Dir.)
3. Gunter Hagspiel
(VP Finance - Controlling)
4. Gunter Maurer
(VP, Manufacturing)
5. Gunter Wulff
(Chmn. - Member - Scientific Advisory Board)
6. Gunther Bauer
(CTO, MD - iQ Power Deutschland GmbH)
7. Gunther Birznieks
(Acting Clinical Program Head, Head - Informatics)
8. Gunther Braun
(Dir., CEO, Pres.)
9. Gunther Fleig
(Board Dir.)
10. Gunther Frankenne
(Member - Supervisory Board)
11. Gunther Hofmann
12. Gunther Than
(Dir., CEO, Treasurer)
13. Guntur Siregar
(Dir. - Consumer)
14. Guo Su
(Board Dir.)
15. Guo-Liang Yu
(Pres., CEO, Chmn.)
16. Guojun Bu
(Member - Medical, Member - Scientific Advisory Board)
17. Guoqiang Fan
(Vice GM - Marketing)
18. Guoqiang Hao
(Board Dir.)
19. Gurdeep Grewal
(Head - Europe)
20. Gurdeep Singh
(Corporate VP, Unified Communications Group)

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