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Executive List
1. Kathy Cooper
2. Kathy Hibbs
(Sr. VP, General Counsel)
3. Kathy Chalmers
(Exec. VP, Human Resources)
4. Kathy Driscoll
(Sr. VP - Operations)
5. Kathy Waller
(Chief - Internal Audits, VP)
6. Kathy Cox
7. Kathy Kastein
(Employee Benefits Trust Officer)
8. Kathy Boyd
(VP, Sypris Solutions, , Pres., Sypris Test, Measurement)
9. Kathy Piekarz
(Pres., CEO)
10. Kathy Anne Foltner
(Member - Advisory Board)
11. Kathyrn Ludwig
12. Katia Rothhaar
(Dir. - Operations)
13. Katie Aguilar
(Product Mgr.)
14. Katie Cooney
(Client Partner)
15. Katie Davidson
(Marketing Coordinator)
16. Katie Delgado
(Founder member)
17. Katie Engel
(Office Mgr.)
18. Katie Frame
(Sr. Strategist)
19. Katie Gambill
(Board Dir.)
20. Katie Green
(VP - Administration)

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