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Executive List
1. Michael Kirchner
2. Michael Kirksey
(CFO, Exec. VP)
3. Michael Kleeman
(Member - Strategy, Telecommunications)
4. Michael Klein
(Attorney Member)
5. Michael Klepper
(VP - Safety, Pharmacovigilance)
6. Michael Kneeland
(Board Dir., Pres., CEO)
7. Michael Knesek
(Sr. VP, Controller, Principal Accounting Officer)
8. Michael Knorr
9. Michael Konsko
(Sr. VP, Managing Principal - Princeton)
10. Michael Konvalinka
(Sr. Research)
11. Michael Kopcsak
12. Michael Korver
(Board Dir.)
13. Michael Kosares
(Pres., Founder)
14. Michael Kovacs
(Board Dir.)
15. Michael Kowalski
(Chmn., CEO)
16. Michael Krahe
(Exec. VP, Human Development, Leadership)
17. Michael Kraupp
(VP - Finance, Treasurer)
18. Michael Kukanza
(Board Dir.)
19. Michael Kuzel
(Sr. Managing Engineer - Vehicle Engineering)
20. Michael Laisure
(Board Dir.)

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