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Executive List
1. Michel De Beaumont
(Board Dir.)
2. Michel De Fabiani
(Board Dir.)
3. Michel De Rosen
(Board Dir.)
4. Michel De Rosen
(Board Dir.)
5. Michel Demar�
(CFO, Member - Exec. Committee)
6. Michel Doidic
(Co - Founder, CTO)
7. Michel Eeckhout
(Exec. VP)
8. Michel Fernandez
9. Michel Goldberg
(Member - Scientific Advisory Board)
10. Michel Goulet
(Assist. Equipment Mgr.)
11. Michel Gouy
(Partner - Europe)
12. Michel Guyot
(Pres. - Global Voice Solutions)
13. Michel Izygon
(Founder, CTO)
14. Michel Kamel
(VP Engineering Operations)
15. Michel Landel
(Group CEO, Pres. - Sodexo STOP Hunger Association)
16. Michel Lee
(Pres., CEO)
17. Michel Loeb
(Pres. - Europe, the Middle East)
18. Michel Malo
(Exec. VP - Hedge Funds, Investment Division)
19. Michel Marcuse
(Member - Advanced Technology, Research, Inc)
20. Michel Masquelier
(Exec. VP, Head - Acquisition, Sales Worldwide IMG Media)

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