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Executive List
1. Bernd Prasuhn
(Board Dir.)
2. Bernd Rettig
(Exec. VP, Technology and R&D, Operations Improvement, Logistics and Investments, Energy, Country Mgr. Germany)
3. Bernd Stoeth
(Staff - Europe, Middle East Team)
4. Bernd Vergouwen
(Dir. - Medicinal Chemistry)
5. Bernd Wollschlaeger
6. Bernd Wosgien
(Pres. - CEO)
7. Bernd Lucks
8. Bernd Cordes
(Program Officer - Conservation, Science)
9. Bernd Seizinger
10. Bernd Matthes
11. Berndt Brunow
(Vice Chmn.)
12. Berne Jansson
(VP - Operations)
13. Berne Kluber
14. Bernee Strom
(Board Dir.)
15. Bernhard Jucker
(Exec. - Division, Power Products)
16. Bernhard Jucker
(Member - Exec. Committee, Division Mgr. - Power Products)
17. Bernhard Koepp
(Sr. Portfolio Mgr.)
18. Bernhard Scholkopf
(Member - Scientific Advisory Board)
19. Bernhard Steiner
(Dir., CEO, Internal Member - Exec. Board - Technology Advisory Board)
20. Bernhard Walter
(Member - Supervisory Board)

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