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Executive List
1. Scott Price
(Assoc. Producer)
2. Scott Pruitt
(Sr. VP - Sales)
3. Scott Pulsipher
(Sr. VP - Global Products, Marketing)
4. Scott Ramsey
(Member - Medical Advisory Board)
5. Scott Raney
(Board Dir.)
6. Scott Raske
(VP, MD, Europe)
7. Scott Rehorn
(Partner, Leasing)
8. Scott Richter
(Exec. VP Operations Support)
9. Scott Riggs
10. Scott Rinaldi
(MD - Corporate Finance)
11. Scott Roberts
(Dir. - Analytical Services)
12. Scott Robertson
(VP, Field Merchandising)
13. Scott Robins
(VP - Technology)
14. Scott Robinson
(Member - Sales Operations)
15. Scott Roeth
(Member - Industry Advisory Board)
16. Scott Romans
(Mgr. - NAM Municipal Bond)
17. Scott Romesburg
(Dir. Information Technology)
18. Scott Rosen
(Board Dir.)
19. Scott Rosenberg
(Sr. Editor, Technology)
20. Scott Roulet

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