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Executive List
1. Steve Klei
2. Steve Kleiman
(Sr. VP, Chief Scientist)
3. Steve Koehler
(Sr. Geologist)
4. Steve Kopp
(MD, Americas)
5. Steve Koval
(VP - Finance)
6. Steve Kowalkoski
(VP, GM the "Big 3" Automotive Business Sector - CEVA Logistics North America)
7. Steve Krakauer
(Assoc. Editor - TVNewser)
8. Steve Krameisen
9. Steve Krausz
(Board Dir.)
10. Steve Krentz
11. Steve Kruse
(VP - Development)
12. Steve Kuhn
(Dir. - Product Management)
13. Steve Lagnado
14. Steve Lahaie
(Pres. - Big Bowl, L Woods, Magic Pan Crepe Stand)
15. Steve Lake
16. Steve Laliberty
(Pres. - US Energy Biogas Corp)
17. Steve Lamb
(Office Dir., Charlotte, NC, Engineer)
18. Steve Lamontagne
(VP, Information Services)
19. Steve Lanford
(VP, Software Engineering, Controls)
20. Steve Laporte

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