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Executive List
1. Stopher Bartol
2. Stormy Simon
(Sr. VP, Branding, Customer Care)
3. Storrow Gordon
(Exec. VP, Sec., General Counsel)
4. Stratis Karamanlakis
(VP - Development, Co - Founder)
5. Stratos Davlos
(VP, Professional Services)
6. Stratton Nicolaides
(Chmn., CEO)
7. Stratton Sclavos
(Board Dir.)
8. Stratton Sclavos
(Board Dir.)
9. Stratton Sclavos
(Board Dir.)
10. Strauss Zelnick
(Board Dir.)
11. Strauss Zelnick
12. Strode Weaver
(Exec. Dir.)
13. Stu Lantz
(Color Commentator - Television)
14. Stu Phillips
(Board Dir.)
15. Stu Sjouwerman
(VP Marketing, International, Founder)
16. Stu Slote
17. Stu Stiles
(Pres., CEO - Avista Advantage)
18. Stuart Allen
(Assoc. Attorney)
19. Stuart Apfel
(Chief Scientific Officer)
20. Stuart Baker
(Physician, Plastic, Reconstructive, Hand Surgery)

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