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Executive List
1. Wallace Murfit
(Sr. Investment Officer - San Francisco)
2. Wallace Johnson
(VP - Sales, Marketing)
3. Wallace Timmeny
(Board Dir.)
4. Wallace Kelly
5. Wallace Parker
(Pres. - Energy Delivery, Customer Relationship Group)
6. Wallace Epperson
(Founder, MD)
7. Wallace Griffin
8. Wally Blase
(Head Athletic Trainer)
9. Wally Czekalski
(USPAP Instructor)
10. Wally Kelly
(Chmn., CEO - CBS Outdoor)
11. Wally Walter
(VP, Applications Engineering)
12. Wally Winkel
13. Wallye Holloway
(Sickle Cell Research, Efficacy, Awareness, Marketing Advisory Board)
14. Walt Lovenberg
(Board Dir.)
15. Walt Magnussen
(Member - Advisory Board)
16. Walt Mahoney
(VP - Research, Development)
17. Walt McKaige
(Sr. Consultant)
18. Walt Mozdzer
19. Walt Stewart
(IT Support Specialist)
20. Walt Williams
(VP - Engineering)

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