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Executive List
1. Karl Pearson
(Sr. VP - Technology, Engineering)
2. Karl Scholz
(Architect Dir.)
3. Karl-Gerhard Eick
(Finance, CFO, Dep. Chmn.)
4. Karl-Heinz Harzheim
5. Karl-Henrik Sundstrom
(Exec. VP, CFO)
6. Karl-Peter Schlichting
(MD, Managing Partner)
7. Karla Bylsma
(Staff Assist.)
8. Karla Johanning
(Study Dir.)
9. Karla Oswald
(Sr. Search Consultant - Information Technology)
10. Karla Whittenburg
11. Karla Packer
(Sr. VP, Human Resources)
12. Karla Palmer
13. Karla Rogers
14. Karla Vehrs
15. Karleen Callahan
(Dir. - Clinical Affairs)
16. Karlene Holloman
(Sr. VP - Operations)
17. Karlis Skrastins
18. Karlos Dansby
19. Karmit Galili
(Assoc. Attorney)
20. Karol Sikora
(Member - Scientific Advisory Board)

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