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Executive List
1. Portia Serame
(Dir. - human Resources, Administration)
2. Poul Henningsen
3. Povl Krogsgaard-Larsen
(Scientific Advisor)
4. Powell Leitch
5. Prabha Parameswaran
(VP - Marketing)
6. Prabhu Narasimhan
(Assoc. Attorney)
7. Prabhu Rao
(VP - Operations)
8. Prabir Jha
(Sr. VP, Global Chief - HR)
9. Prabuddha Ganguli
(Special Advisor)
10. Pradeep Batra
(Exec. Team Member)
11. Pradeep Kapadia
(Pres. - Engineering Services)
12. Pradeep Kar
(Non - Exec. Board Dir.)
13. Pradeep Narayanan
(Pres. - New Services)
14. Pradeep Rattan
(Physician - Psychiatry, Geriatric Psychiatry)
15. Pradeep Saxena
(Board Dir.)
16. Pradeep Sindhu
(Vice Chmn., Founder, CTO)
17. Pradeep Vashisth
18. Pradip Madan
(Sr. VP - Corporate Strategy, Development)
19. Pradip Madan
(Board Dir.)
20. Pradip Shah
(Independent Board Dir.)

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