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Executive List
1. Scott Paynter
2. Scott Perry
(Board Dir.)
3. Scott Rathfon
(Board Dir., Sr. VP)
4. Scott Shapiro
5. Scott Sommers
(Sr. VP - Finance, Corporate Development)
6. Scott Sommers
(VP, Treasurer)
7. Scott Spitzer
(Sr. VP, General Counsel, Corp. Sec.)
8. Scott Vining
(CFO, Treasurer, Sec.)
9. Scott Weatherby
(VP, Chief Audit Exec.)
10. Scott Baach
11. Scott Berman
12. Scott Blumenthal
(VP - Television)
13. Scott Bracale
(Pres., Marketing Agency)
14. Scott Brezler
15. Scott Brown
(Exec. VP - Development, Construction)
16. Scott Cochran
(Forensic Engineer)
17. Scott Estill
18. Scott Fabry
19. Scott Fassbach
(Chief Research Officer)
20. Scott Fisher
(Board Dir.)

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